How a Security Officer Can Help with Loss Prevention
July 7, 2020 9:57 pm Leave your thoughtsShoplifting and employee theft are two of the main causes of retail loss. Each quarter, retailers’ bottom lines are reduced by the impact of this loss. Fortunately, business owners can take steps to mitigate their risk and minimize the amount of theft that occurs at their retail locations. One of the top methods is hiring security patrol services to help avoid loss prevention in Albuquerque, NM.
Placing security officers on-site can make a significant impact in several ways. If you are considering your options, consider the following benefits of hiring security officers for loss prevention in Albuquerque, NM.
Employee theft reduction
While it may be hard to imagine loyal employees committing theft, a lack of security on-site can increase the chances that this will occur. Employee theft is far from rare, and it can happen in several ways. Employees may steal merchandise, allow family and friends to take items without paying for them, take cash from the drawer or generate fake returns.
All of these methods can prove extremely costly to retailers. By placing plainclothes security in the store, business owners can reduce employee theft. Because they are undercover, employees may not realize they are being watched, and security personnel can catch them in the act. Additionally, if employees know that plainclothes security staff may be watching, they are less likely to attempt theft.
Shoplifting reduction
Uniformed security officers are another effective strategy for helping with loss prevention in Albuquerque, NM. When potential shoplifters can see that security is monitoring the store, they will be less likely to try to steal anything. The guards will make them think twice about attempting anything illegal on the premises.
Security increase
Hiring security officers for loss prevention in Albuquerque, NM is particularly effective when the officers have specialized training. For retailers who offer high-end items or have unique settings, these officers possess the skills necessary to properly protect the company’s assets. They can apply their background in security and knowledge of appropriate loss prevention measures to ensure the risk is minimized and profits are maximized.
Safety increase
When security officers are on-site at a retail location, shoppers may feel reassured that they are in a safe, protected setting. Additionally, anyone who might consider illegal activities other than shoplifting, such as vandalism, mugging or physical violence, is less likely to commit these acts in the store. This, in turn, reduces company loss due to property damage, legal actions, lawsuits and other costly consequences that happen due to criminal activity.
Increase your bottom line
For top-level security officers to help with loss prevention in Albuquerque, NM, contact the experts at Advance On-Site Protection Security. Backed by years of experience in law enforcement, we hold our security guard services to a higher standard of training and expectations. Plus, we use the latest state-of-the-art tools and equipment to ensure you and your valuable property stay safe and protected. We offer patrol services by experienced security professionals and state-of-the-art access control systems. Contact us today to improve your security, reduce loss and increase your bottom line.
How a Security Officer Can Help with Loss Prevention
A security officer can help with loss prevention in many ways. They can patrol the premises to deter potential criminals, and they can also respond to any incidents that do occur. When criminals see badges and uniforms, they take a second thought.
Additionally, they can work with loss prevention staff to develop and implement security protocols. By doing so, they can help to ensure that loss is minimized and that the property and assets of the business are protected.
Patrolling the Premises and Detering Potential Criminals
A security officer can help to deter potential criminals by patrolling the premises. This can include both inside and outside of the building. They will look for any suspicious activity and report it to the proper authorities. If they see something that appears to be a crime in progress, they will take appropriate action to stop it.
Responding to Incidents
Security officers are also trained to respond to any incidents that do occur. They will take the necessary steps to ensure that everyone is safe, and the situation is contained. They will then work with loss prevention staff to investigate the incident and take appropriate measures to prevent it from happening again. This can include anything from a fire alarm to a break-in.
Working with Loss Prevention Staff
Security officers can also work with loss prevention staff to develop and implement security protocols. This can include setting up security cameras or establishing entry and exit procedures. By doing so, they can help to ensure that loss is minimized and that the property and assets of the business are protected.
How Security Officers Work with Law Enforcement
Security officers can help ensure justice is served by working with law enforcement. In the event of a crime, security officers will work with law enforcement to help them investigate the incident. They will provide them with any information they have gathered and may even be asked to testify in court.
They begin their investigations at the crime scene, where they will look for any evidence that can help identify the perpetrator. They will then interview any witnesses who may have seen what happened. Once they have gathered all the necessary information, they will work with law enforcement to build a case against the perpetrator.
Security Officers Can Save Lives
Security officers are trained to protect people and property and can play a crucial role in loss prevention. If a shooter enters the building, there are bomb threats or fires; security officers can help evacuate people to safety and prevent loss of life. Most security officers are armed and prepared to deal with imminent threats.
If you have a security officer on your team, utilize their skills and training to help keep everyone safe. They can assist in a life-threatening emergency until paramedics arrive. They can also provide first aid and CPR if needed.
Training for Loss Prevention Practices
Every location is different in demand for security officers, but the basics are the same regarding loss prevention. A security officer must train for the following:
- Be able to identify potential shoplifters and their behavior
- Knowing the store’s loss prevention policies
- Knowing how to detain a shoplifter appropriately
- Cooperate with law enforcement
The security officer must be able to do all of the above while maintaining a high level of customer service.
Most importantly, the security officer needs to be able to de-escalate situations. This means being able to talk to the potential shoplifter in a way that diffuses the problem instead of making it worse.
If they can do all of the above, the security officer will be an asset to any loss prevention team. Security officers play a vital role in loss prevention and, with the proper training, can successfully reduce losses for a company.
Identifying Shoplifters and Their Behavior
The first step in loss prevention is identifying potential shoplifters. There are several things that security officers can look for:
- People who are loitering in the store without buying anything
- People who are trying to return items that they did not purchase from the store
- People who are hiding items in their clothing or bags
- People who are switching price tags on items
If a security officer sees someone doing any of the above, they will approach them and ask them to leave the store. If the person refuses, the security officer may call the police.
It is essential for security officers to identify potential shoplifters because it can help prevent loss before it happens. By being proactive and asking people to leave the store, they can help to deter potential shoplifters from even attempting to steal.
Security officers also need to be aware of the different types of shoplifting that can take place. The most common type of shoplifting is pocket-picking when someone takes items from shelves and puts them into their pockets or bags. Another type of shoplifting is switch loss when someone switches the price tags on items to pay less for them.
Another type of shoplifting is a grab-and-run when someone takes an item and runs out of the store without paying for it. This type of shoplifting can be hazardous because it can lead to a chase. If a security officer sees someone grab an item and runs, they will not try to stop them. Instead, they will call the police and give them a description of the shoplifter.
No matter what type of shoplifting is taking place, it is essential for security officers to be aware of it and take appropriate action. Security officers can help prevent loss and keep stores safe by working with loss prevention teams.
Knowing the Store’s Loss Prevention Policies
Security officers play an essential role in loss prevention for a business. Knowing the store’s loss prevention policies can help to prevent theft and other loss-related incidents.
Loss prevention policies typically cover three main areas: employee conduct, customer conduct, and store procedures. To enforce it effectively, a security officer should be familiar with all aspects of the loss prevention policy.
Employee conduct policies may include dress code requirements, prohibitions on personal belongings in the work area, and break times. It is important to enforce these policies so that employees are not creating opportunities for theft.
Customer conduct policies may include:
- Limiting the number of items taken into the fitting room.
- Checking bags at the door.
- Requiring a receipt for all returns.
Enforcing these policies can help deter potential thieves and make it easier to identify them if they attempt to steal.
Store procedures are often related to security cameras, alarm systems, and locked doors. A security officer should know how these systems work and be able to respond quickly if they are activated. They should also be familiar with the store’s evacuation procedures in an emergency.
Knowing the store’s loss prevention policies can play a crucial role in keeping loss to a minimum. If something doesn’t seem right, don’t hesitate to investigate. Witnessing a theft or other loss-related incident, be sure to report it immediately.
Working with a loss prevention team can help to ensure that the security officers are up to date on all loss prevention policies and procedures. Loss prevention teams typically consist of security officers, loss prevention specialists, and managers. By working together, they can help create a loss prevention plan tailored to the store’s specific needs.
Knowing How to Detain a Shoplifter
Many loss prevention officers are tasked with stopping shoplifting in their stores. But once a shoplifter is caught, what do you do? How do you detain them until the police arrive?
It’s essential to know how to appropriately detain a shoplifter so that the security officer doesn’t end up in hot water. Here are a few tips:
- Remain calm and collected. This can be difficult when dealing with someone who has just stolen from the store, but it’s essential to stay calm. Losing tempers will only make the situation worse.
- Politely explain to the shoplifter that they are being detained and why. Let them know that the police have been called and will arrive shortly.
- Don’t try to restrain the shoplifter physically. This can escalate the situation and lead to someone getting hurt.
- Keep an eye on the shoplifter at all times. If they try to run away or escape, the security officer needs to stop them.
Loss prevention is an important job but comes with its fair share of challenges. Knowing how to deal with those challenges is key to success in this field. Following these tips, a security officer can appropriately detain a shoplifter until the police arrive.
Letting the Law Handle the Rest
Once the security officer is done delivering the information, stepping back and letting the law handle the situation is critical. There is no need to be the hero, but the demand is there for the proper protocol. The situation is neutralized once the law takes over and everything returns to normal. This is when loss prevention is a success!
Contact the security experts at Advance On-Site Protection Security to help you protect your business today.
Categorised in: Security on Demand
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