The role of a security guard is crucial to the day-to-day activities of many organizations and businesses. These professionals play a critical role in the safety and functionality of businesses, schools, hospitals, and other institutions. This quick guide will provide you with a better understanding of security guard duties. The Duties of a Security Guard Crucial responsibilities a security guard oversees often go beyond the basic patrolling most people think of. At the most basic level, a security guard is responsible for assisting individuals on the property and deterring any type of illegal or unsafe activities. It is important for... View Article
The majority of companies nowadays have the presence of armed security guard services or unarmed security guards. Depending on the type of business it is, choosing between an armed or unarmed security guard is a huge deal. Either way, protecting employees, staff, and the company’s assets is a priority every company shares. But, the question is, should a security guard be armed? Continue reading to learn more about the factors determining whether a guard should be armed or unarmed. Should All Security Guards Be Armed? Hiring a security officer with a gun is one thing, and hiring one that is... View Article
For security guards to be effective, they must possess certain traits. Some of the most important traits are more important than others, but a few top the list. If you are considering hiring security for your setting, look for the following traits in your security staff. SKILLED AT DE-ESCALATION A security guard needs to be able to react properly to hostile situations, but that doesn’t always mean they should approach with guns blazing… figuratively or literally. A security guard should look for how to uphold peace first and foremost. EMPATHETIC A huge component of being able to de-escalate a situation... View Article